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Studies on the Teaching and Learning of Languages at Mexican Universities

$ 326 MXN

Autor: Hernandez, Martha Guadalupe
ISBN: 9786078624133
Edición: 1
Sello: Plaza y Valdés Editores
Código: 9786078624133
Editorial: Plaza y Valdés

Research in English Language Teaching in Mexico has recently increased as a result of the new demands imposed by international agencies for researchers to publish. Some studies (i.e Ramirez-Romero, 2006, 2011) have analyzed the state of the art of research in terms of teaching and learning in Mexico and show that research in this field is not enough. This book is an attempt to contribute to the field and it presents six studies that explore different areas of interest. The Chapter Dimensiones afectivas en la construcción de la identidad del profesor de inglés is a qualitative study that investigates the affective dimensions and the construction of identity of three language teachers in Central Mexico. The researchers draw on Halliday and Matthiessen (2004)s category of polarity which is a subsystem of Transitivity to acknowledge the number of negative and positive clauses employed by participants as well as the analysis of verbal processes (feeling verbs) employed during their interviews.